Via Beltramina 23 6900 Lugano +41 76 3036197

Theory exams in english

To obtain the Swiss powerboat and sailing license for inland waters (lakes and rivers) it is neessary to pass a theroy examen and a practical test. The theory examen is available in english only at the navigation offices of the following cantons. The examen for Powerboat or sailing boats is the same.

  • Zürich (recommended)
  • Thurgau
  • St. Gallen
  • Bern
  • Glarus
  • Neuchâtel
  • Solothurn

To register for the examen in one of the obove stated Cantons, you must send a writen request to the Uffico della cricolazione, sezione della Navigazione in written, indicating the reason (english language). The requested canton must be indicated in the request. Can be changed only with an administrative fee.  Once the Sezione della navigazione has confirmed the examen out of the residence canton, it is possible to obtain a examination date.

Request templates

 Please remember the eye check and the requested attachments.


Order theroy material in English